What We Fund
Chicago Foundation for Women funds organizations and programs in three issue areas: economic security, freedom from violence and access to health. Learn More
How To Apply
Frequently Asked Questions
We welcome your questions before, during, and after the application process. If your question is not answered in the FAQs, contact Lora York (Director of Programs): or 312.577.2814. Learn More
Grantee Spotlight

For forty years, Family Rescue has provided life-transforming support services for survivors of domestic violence in Chicago. While our agency has provided those services to survivors throughout the city, it has helped anchor services on Chicago’s south side, where the human service infrastructure is extremely fragile.

Assisting survivors to regain safety, financial and emotional stability has been our mission. Since our inception, we have served over 90,000 survivors of domestic violence through our five programs and 24-hour bilingual hotline. And throughout the years, since 1986 in fact, the Chicago Foundation for Women (CFW) has been a staunch and trusted partner for us in our work.
In the early years, when general operating support was so important, CFW was there filling in the critical gaps in funding. When Family Rescue branched out to address housing inequity for survivors of domestic violence and opened the first transitional housing program for survivors in Chicago, CFW was there providing much-needed support. When Family Rescue addressed the need for survivors and their children to have access to trauma-sensitive counseling services in real-time, rather than being placed on long waiting lists, again, CFW was there.
And when Family Rescue came to realize that there could be no real safety for survivors of domestic violence unless we were willing to help them address their need for financial stability, CFW funding helped us to experiment with our first financial literacy classes for survivors.
Today Family Rescue’s partnership with CFW has expanded as we participate together along with other agencies serving women and girls through the Englewood Women’s Initiative. This endeavor seeks to raise the income levels of women who have faced numerous challenges. As the domestic violence partner in that initiative, we sit at the table to ensure that domestic violence need not be a barrier that impedes the successful accomplishment of goals.
A funding partner that understands the needs of women and girls across a broad spectrum of needs, is willing to fund important priorities, and plays the role of convener of colleagues around the discussion table to address funding inequities that impact services and opportunities for women and girls, is priceless. CFW has been such a partner.
Today Family Rescue’s partnership with CFW has expanded as we participate together along with other agencies serving women and girls through the Englewood Women’s Initiative. This endeavor seeks to raise the income levels of women who have faced numerous challenges. As the domestic violence partner in that initiative, we sit at the table to ensure that domestic violence need not be a barrier that impedes the successful accomplishment of goals.
A funding partner that understands the needs of women and girls across a broad spectrum of needs, is willing to fund important priorities, and plays the role of convener of colleagues around the discussion table to address funding inequities that impact services and opportunities for women and girls, is priceless. CFW has been such a partner.